Ku Band Low Pass Filter

15.35GHz Ku Band Low Pass Filter

Ku Band Low Pass Filter: Choosing the Right Filter

If you are thinking of getting a Ku Band Low Pass filter, here are a few considerations you must made to help you choose the right Ku Band filter for your application.

Insertion Loss of low pass filter

Where you use the filter is one consideration you have to make. If you are using the filter as the front end element before the LNA or as the last stage after the power amplifier, the insertion loss of the filter will probably have an impact on the system performance. A high loss will result in a poorer system noise figure or translates to a lower output power. In this case, you will need a low-loss low pass filter. If you are using it after a mixer to remove LO, then the actual loss may not be a concern at all.

Rejection characteristic of low pass filter

If you are using the low pass filter to suppress second and third harmonics, you will need a low pass filter that has wide stopband rejection like the Ku-Band Suspended Stripline Filter by AWG Tech. Typical Ku-Band low pass filter may have re-entrant modes and these will limit the usefulness of these filters for harmonic suppression.

Size of low pass filter

The size of the filter will become important if you are trying to put together a Ku-band transceiver and you discover that you have very limited real estate. Designed with our SSL technology, AWG Tech is able to supply compact Ku-Band Low Pass Filter.

Contact us and let our RF Engineer help you get your ideal Ku Band Low Pass Filter

If you have trouble selecting the right Ku band low pass filter, contact us and let our RF engineers assist you in arriving at the best solutions to overcome the constraints that you have.

Ku Band Low Pass Filter
Part Number1 dB Cutoff FrequencyInsertion LossRejectionDescription
ALPF-13G2-0113.2 GHz1 dB max≥45dB @16.8 ~24 GHz13.2 GHz Low pass filter,
Ku Band Suspended Stripline low pass filter
ALPF-15G0-0115 GHz1 dB max≥45dB @ 19.7~22 GHz15 GHz Low pass filter,
Ku Band Suspended Stripline low pass filter
ALPF-16G2-0116.2 GHz1 dB max≥45dB @ 20.7~24 GHz
16.2 GHz Low pass filter,
Ku Band Suspended Stripline low pass filter
ALPF-17G0-0117 GHz1 dB max≥45dB @ 22~35 GHz17 GHz Low pass filter,
Ku Band Suspended Stripline low pass filter
ALPF-18G0-0118 GHz1 dB max≥45dB @ 23.5~34 GHz18 GHz Low pass filter,
Ku Band Suspended Stripline low pass filter

For more information regarding our products or to get a customized filter designed specially for your applications at no extra cost, click on the blue button now.

The Ku-Band Frequency Spectrum: Learning the Basics

The Ku-band (Kurtz-Under band) is a portion in the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies that fall between 12 to 18 GHz. The Ku-Band Frequency is usually utilized for satellite communications, especially in editing and broadcasting on satellite television. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), this band frequency is split into multiple segments that may be different depending on the geographical location.

In RF filter components, let’s say in a Ku-band low pass filter, these frequency signals help generate a much better direct broadcast satellite services. The low pass filter acts as the component that blocks every high frequency signals from producing any interference in the broadcast and allowing the low frequency signals to be circulated throughout the circuit.

Ku-Band Frequency: The Segments and Regions

As mentioned above, the Ku-Band Frequency is split into various multiple segments depending on the geographical location. Some examples of these segments and regions are  ITU Region 1 and ITU Region 2.

The ITU Region 2 Segments covers the vast majority of both North and South America and ranges between 11.7 to 12.2 GHz. Also, the ITU Region 2 has over 21 FSS (Fixed Satellite Services) North American Ku-Band that is currently orbiting above the said region.

On the other hand, the ITU Region 1 Segments of the Ku Spectrum refers to both the African and the European continent. Both continents ranges from 11.45 to 11.7  GHz for band range and another band range of 12.5 to 12.75 GHz are reserved for the FSS. Plus, their uplink frequency range is from 12.0 to 14.5 GHz.

Challenges Encountered with the Ku-Band Frequency

When frequencies greater than 10 GHz are sent and received in an area where there is heavy rain, a noticeable degradation happens. This is due to the issues caused by the proportional amount of heavy rain (a phenomenon more commonly known as “rain fade”).

However, this issue can be resolved by deploying the right link budget strategy when designing the satellite system and allocating a higher use of power to overcome rain fade loss. With regards to the end-viewer TV reception, it takes heavy rainfalls in excess of 10mm per hour to have an evident effect.

The Ku-Band being in the higher frequency spectrum is particularly prone to signal degradation, more so than in the C-band frequency spectrum. Although, the Ku-band’s vulnerability to rain fade is lowered than with the Ka-Band frequency spectrum. In addition, another event similar to that of the rain fade known as the “snow fade” (when the snow gathered significantly changes the focal point of the dish) can also happen during the winter season. Also, the Ku-Band satellites usually need more power to make transmissions than the C-band frequency.

Overall, the Ku-Band frequency when used in different devices and components, such as satellites and with Ku-Band low pass filter, they relatively improve every frequency transmitted to any broadcast clearer and with less static. However, this can be impeded with varying weather conditions, such as with the heavy rain falls and snow storms.

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