6 Way Power Divider

6 way power divider splitter combiner

The Fundamentals and the Specifications of a 6 Way Power Divider

Power dividers are Radio Frequency (RF) devices that are employed to divide a single input signal into two or more output frequencies, experiencing only small losses in the process. These devices are commonly utilized in different forms of wireless systems to split up the power across the circuitry in an equal manner.

The output frequencies produced by this device usually come in an equal amount of amplitude and phase. However, divider requirements can vary amplitudes and signal phases at the output. In addition, there are other different types of power dividers as well, one of which is the 6 way power divider.

The Operational Description of a 6 way power splitter

Although the phrase “power divider” has been utilized in different forms of devices to distribute power to a number of outputs, the term used in the above mentioned power divider is used in a limited sense. A power divider has one designated input port and more than one output ports.

Every single one of these ports are, theoretically, evenly matched and the output ports are hidden from one another. It’s quite common, however not mandatory, for the transmission from the input port to be exactly the same to every single one of the output ports.

A Power Divider’s Major Specifications

Power dividers, like any other RF component, have their own major specification that any buyer should look into. Below are some of the major specifications of the power divider:

  • Configuration: Referred to as the numerous methodologies on how the input frequencies are being divided by the power divider.
  • Power: This is the regular input power that the RF component can handle
  • Insertion Loss: This is the signal that is lost when a single signal is being transformed into numerous signals. The insertion loss is then measured in dB (Decibels).
  • Package Classification: Normally, power dividers are made available in varying packages. There are some that will include a module with connectiors, a surface mount, plug-ins, a flat pack and also a drop in.
  • Impedance Factor: Generally speaking, power dividers are usually available in 2 types of configurations – the 50 and the 75 Ohms configurations.

Once the major specifications are understood and a power divider is chosen, one must also remember to ask the manufacturer for the data sheets of the products. This way every part of the power divider is understood thoroughly.

The Transmission Line for Power Dividers

The earliest form of transmission line in power dividers was the simple T-junction. This would easily suffer from very poor isolation between the ports. As it were, a huge part of the power would reflect from one port and then find its way to another. It can be proven that it’s not theoretically possible to simultaneously match all of the ports of a passive, lossless port and poor insulation is always unavoidable. Knowing all of these about the 6 way power divider is all but necessary for the ones who opt to use them in any of their systems. The fundamentals of such is crucial to be understood to better comprehend its uses in any kind of wireless system.

For more information regarding our products or to get a customized power divider designed specially for your applications at no extra cost, click on the blue button now.

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