C-Band Bandpass Filter

C-Band Bandpass Filter Supplier

AWG Tech specializes in producing C-Band Bandpass Filter for satellite communication.

Our C-Band Cavity bandpass filter are ideal for suppressing strong interferer caused by commercial and military RADAR communications these operate above and below the c-band.

C-Band interference filters are designed to be used in both single and multi-feed receive antenna applications. These units are easily installed in between the C-Band feedhorn and LNB or LNA.

With our enhanced Bandpass filters, these c-band interference filters offer the highest out of band interference suppression of cellular frequencies, commercial and military navigation communications as well as all marine or coastal vessel operating below the C-band. Typical level of suppression is -45 dB at lower and upper interfering frequencies.

With this filtering performed at C-Band frequencies the overall picture quality will be enhanced as filters prevent the overload of LNA or LNB.

These devices may differ in specifications because there is quite a wide range of them available but here is an example of one of the devices specifications.

ABPF-3950MBW500M-01 is a C-Band cavity filter with a passband frequency from 3.7GHz to 4.2GHz. The insertion loss at the center frequency (3.95 GHz) is less than 0.4 dB. The rejection loss at 3.65 GHz and 4.25 GHz is 45 dB typically. Constructed out of Aluminum, it is very light and weighs only 1.5 lbs.

3950MHz Band Pass Filter (ABPF-3950MBW500M-01)
Passband3.7 GHz – 4.2 GHz
Insertion Loss at Centre Frequency0.4 dB typ
VSWR1.5: 1 typ
Group Delay7nS max
Rejection -45 db @ 3.56/4.25 GHz

-55 dB @ 3.55/4.35GHz

-70dB @ 3.5/4.4 GHz

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C-band Bandpass Filter and the Crucial Roles they Play

In the world of telecommunications, as well as medical/hospital equipment and other electronics systems, “bandpass filters” play a crucial, yet silent, low-key role.   A bandpass filter is actually an electronic device or circuit that enables or allows signals between specific frequencies to pass. However, it also weeds out the unwanted signals of other frequencies, if only to prevent them from muddling or distorting the signals in the main frequency. Here’s a look at the technical abilities of one critical, high-performing filter, the C-band bandpass filter.

Where Are Bandpass Filters Used?

Bandpass filters run the gamut, from high pass to low pass, to the various standard radar frequency letter bands, such as C-band band pass filters.

Some bandpass filters do not rely on external power sources, and they only rely on capacitors and inductors; hence they are called “passive” bandpass filters.

Where are these items used? Well, most filters are a mainstay in wireless receivers and transmitters, where their main functions are to limit the bandwidth of the output signal, so that it can effectively convey data at the desired speed, and in the desired form. This is very important to many audio and video applications and transmission.

In receivers, band pass filters enable or allow signals within a chosen or selected range of frequencies to be heard, or decoded, while blocking the signals of unwanted or out-of-range frequencies. These equipment also help optimize the receiver’s signal-to-noise ratio or sensitivity.

In both transmitters and receivers, band pass filters also efficiently maximize the amount of signals that can be received, or passed, in a system, while at the same time minimizing the interference or competition among signals.

What Is The C-band?

For those who are not yet too familiar with the different bands, the C-band is actually one of the most critical, and one of the most valuable, because it actually is the original frequency allocation for communications satellites.

The C-band utilizes 3.7 GHz – 4.2 GHz for downlink and 5.925 GHZ – 6.425 GHz for uplink, and the frequency’s slight variations contain ranges that are utilized for Wi-Fi devices, cordless telephones, weather radar systems and many satellite communications.

For complex satellite communications and transmissions, the C-band frequencies fare better especially under adverse weather conditions, as compared to frequencies in the Ku band, which suffer from a term called “rain fade”, or  the collective term for all the negative effects of precipitation and moisture, along with other bleak weather conditions which hound transmission. The C-band also has a wavelength in free space of 7.5 to 38 centimeters (cm). And in these environments, C band filters do their jobs effectively, and without much funfare.

Apart from satellite transmission, C-Band band pass filters also perform crucial roles for defense, commercial and scientific tasks or purposes, where they decode signals, and eliminate those from unwanted frequencies, with minimum insertion loss.