C-Band Low Pass Filter

7.5GHz C-Band Low Pass Filter

C-Band Low Pass Filter: When do you use them?

C-Band Low Pass Filter comes in useful when you need too suppress interfering signals from other communications systems which are operating in the vicinity of your equipment but at a higher frequency. The C-Band low pass filter will suppress the higher frequency components and pass any signals which have frequencies lower than their cut-off frequencies.

So why use a low pass filter instead of band pass filter?

Low Pass Filters are used in the following scenarios:

  • The interferer operates at a much higher frequency than your device or equipment, so you only need a low pass filter.
  • You need to have low passband insertion loss for best noise figure. Low pass filters tend to have lower insertion loss than their band-pass counterparts.
  • You need to have wide stopband attenuation. Most bandpass filters suffer from reentrant modes. This means that a bandpass filter that operates at fo will have passbands at 3*fo and 5*fo. For example, a 1 GHz bandpass filter may likely have passbands at 3GHz and 5 GHz. If this poses a problem, you may need to get our SSL low pass filters which have excellent wide stopband rejection.

ALPF-4000M-01: 4GHz C-Band Low Pass Filter

Take a look at ALPF-4000M-01. This filter is designed and built upon our SSL technology. The filter has a 3-dB cut-off frequency at 4.1GHz. The passband insertion loss is less than 1dB at frequencies below 3 GHz. It has more than 60dB rejection from 6-12 GHz.

For more information…

For more information on other C-Band Low Pass filter, refer to the table below or send us a product enquiry from and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

C-Band Low Pass Filter
Part Number3-dB Cutoff FrequencyInsertion LossRejectionDescription
ALPF-4100M-014100 MHz2 dB max≥60dB @ 6.5~12GHz4.1 GHz Low pass Filter,
C-Band suspended stripline low pass filter
ALPF-5100M-015000 MHz2 dB max> 50dB @ 9-11 GHz5.1 GHz Low pass Filter,
C-Band suspended stripline low pass filter
ALPF-6000M-016000 MHz2 dB max≥40dB @ 7.1~12GHz

≥70dB @ 12GHz

6GHz Low pass Filter,
C-Band suspended stripline low pass filter
ALPF-7000M-017000 MHz2 dB max≥40dB @ 7.8~15GHz
7 GHz Low pass Filter,
C-Band suspended stripline low pass filter
ALPF-7800M-017800 MHz2 dB max≥40dB @ 8.2~15GHz
7.8 GHzLow pass Filter,
C-Band suspended stripline low pass filter

For more information regarding our products or to get a customized filter designed specially for your applications at no extra cost, click on the blue button now.

C-Band Low Pass Filter: Tackling the Basics of C-Band Frequencies in Broadcast Communication

The C-Band frequency is a name provided for specific regions in the electromagnetic spectrum, including wavelengths and microwaves that are utilized for long-distance communication systems. According to the IEEE, the frequency range of the C-Band is between 4 to 8 GHz and its slight variation contains frequency ranges that are utilized in satellite communication transmissions. Plus, the wavelength range of the C-band frequency ranges from 30 to 60cm.

In RF components, filters that utilize these C-Band frequencies transmit low frequency signals, like the C-Band low pass filter, tend to perform better in low frequencies. First of all, the main function of these low pass filters is to permit the entrance of low frequencies and impedes high frequencies. The C-band frequency then makes these transmissions faster even under severe weather conditions unlike with other frequencies, particularly the Ku and Ka band frequencies.

The Basics of C-Band Frequencies

As mentioned above, the C-band frequency falls on frequencies that ranges from 4 to 8 GHz and this frequency band usually offers a wider area of coverage. One disadvantage of C-band frequencies, however, is that it shares the same frequency in terrestrial microwave radio systems. Thus, as a result, some VSAT areas needs to be restricted so as not to intervene with these radio systems.

The C-band frequency may sometimes require the use of a much larger dish to operate. For most areas, usually 2.4 meters, roughly around 8ft in diameter, is enough to receive transmissions. However, for other locations worldwide, antennas as huge as 3 to 3.7 meters (roughly around 10 to 12ft in diameter) may need to receive C-band satellite services.

Two main factors considered in the above-mentioned facts are geographic location, in-line to the servicing satellite and with the local atmospheric weather conditions. As a general rule, areas that experience heavy rains or snow storms usually need a much larger dish.

The biggest benefit of having a much larger dish is that it provides small interferences from severe weather conditions resulting in reliable service for pragmatically any area. One downside to such is making this large dish less suspicious as much as possible.

The Main Uses of the C-Band Frequencies in Broadcasting

The C-band is primarily utilized in open satellite communications in broadcast, whether it may be for full-time satellite television networks or for raw satellite feeds; however, subscription programming also exists. This utilization is in-line with the direct-broadcast satellite, which is a completely closed system utilized in the deliverance of subscription programming to small satellite dishes which are linked with proprietary receiving equipment.

The satellite communications region of the C-band is highly related with the television receive-only satellite reception systems, usually known as the “big dish” systems, since small receiving antennas are not optimal for C-Band systems. The usual antenna sizes on C-Band’s system ranges from 7.5 to 12ft on consumer satellite dishes; however, larger ones are further used.

Overall, in antenna systems and on RF filters, such as the C-Band low pass filter, the main purpose of the C-band frequency is to make signal transmission and reception possible even in severe weather conditions. Although, depending on what country, there are times that larger dishes may be needed for the reception of C-band frequencies.

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