X-Band High Pass Filter

10GHz X-Band High Filter

X-Band High Pass Filter: What is it?

X-band high pass filters can be found in many microwave systems.

X-band is the portion of the frequency spectrum that occupies 8GHz to 12GHz. There are many interesting microwave systems that operates in the X-Band. One of the most popular application in this band are radar devices. But radar equipment are not just for the military and police. The common microwave motion detectors that you can buy off the shelf from supermarkets operate at 10.525GHz and they make use of Doppler shift technology just like a typical military radar system.

A high pass filter is a filter circuit that only allows signals that are higher in frequency than its cut-off frequency to pass through it with minimal loss. In an X-Band high pass filter, the cut-off frequency can be anywhere from 8-12 GHz.

AWG Tech manufactures X-Band high pass filter using our suspended stripline technology. The advantage of this method are as follows:

  • Low insertion loss
  • Wide operating bandwidth
  • Steep roll-off in the stopband
  • Compact in size
X-Band High Pass Filter
Part NumberPassbandInsertion LossRejectionDescription
AHPF-8G-018 – 18 GHz< 1.5 dB[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='avia-center-col' av_uid='av-62wl48']>45 dB @ dc – 10GHz8-18GHz X-Band High Pass Filter
AHPF-8G5-018.5 – 18 GHz< 1.5 dB[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='avia-center-col' av_uid='av-5169fc']>45 dB @ dc – 10.5 GHz8.5-18GHz X-Band High Pass Filter
AHPF-9G7-019.7 – 18 GHz< 1.5 dB[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='avia-center-col' av_uid='av-er43k']>45 dB @ dc – 12 GHz9.7-18GHz X-Band High Pass Filter
AHPF-10G-0110 – 18 GHz< 1.5 dB[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='avia-center-col' av_uid='av-3058d4']> 40 dB @ dc – 12.5 GHz10-18GHz X-Band High Pass Filter
AHPF-12G-0112 – 18 GHz< 1.5 dB[/av_cell][av_cell col_style='avia-center-col' av_uid='av-232u74']>45 dB @ dc – 14 GHz12-18GHz X-Band High Pass Filter

For more information regarding our products or to get a customized filter designed specially for your applications at no extra cost, click on the blue button now.

The X Band High Pass Filter’s Highly-Specialized Tasks

If you’re a fan of missiles, submarines, and satellites or radars that detect enemy aircraft, along with all the stuff that make up the defense industry, then you should be thankful for radiofrequencies like the “X-band”, for making all of those equipment work effectively. The X-band is the segment term for microwave frequency ranges that go from 10.500 to 10.550 gigahertz (GHz), and to ensure that only the approved frequencies “pass” within this range, X band high pass filters are used. Let’s take a brief yet insightful look at this special type of filter.

The Valuable Functions Of The X-Band

Before we delve into the specialized functions of the X-band high pass filter, let’s first take a look at what industries or segments of society work, and thrive in the X-band. When government, military and defense equipment manufacturers require “space” to fulfill their requirements for reliable bandwidth, they turn to this radiofrequency band, which has truly unique features that support the most technically-demanding communications needs.

Why? The extra space between orbital spaces or slots for X-band satellites means that there will be lesser chances for the muddling of transmission signals due to adjacent satellite interference (ASI). The band also allows higher power density carriers to operate, which is verified to be good for the use of small antennas.
The X-band’s extremely robust nature allows for high availability even in such tough weather and atmospheric conditions like heavy rain, sandstorms and other extreme weather occurrences. This radiofrequency band also allows small terminals to transmit data or communications at higher power densities, without the need to use techniques like spread-spectrum.

Thus, users in the X-band require lesser space segment, and they incur much lower bandwidth costs as well, as compared to operators and users in the C-, Ku- and Ka- bands.

And best of all, since much of the X-band is exclusively reserved for government, military and defense equipment makers, this means that there are lesser antennas pointed at the X-band satellites circling the planet.

How High Pass Filters For The X-Band Operate

High pass filters are just one of three main types of RF or radiofrequency filters (the other 2 are low pass and band pass filters), and their main functions are to pass signals with a frequency higher than a certain cutoff frequency, and it attenuates or blocks signals with frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency.

High pass filters in general, are also categorized as three-element filters, because they have a “T” configuration or loop, in the same manner as low pass and band stop filters. They have a very low impedance at high frequencies, and a very high impedance at low frequencies.

As new technologies evolve, and more advanced applications are invented, the X-band will continue to serve more specialized, highly-technical applications like remote sensing, airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, mobile networking and other sectors that require increasing bandwidth.

And of course, X-band high pass filters will be there to pass the appropriate signals, and attenuate the out-of-band frequencies!

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