X-Band Power Divider

2 way power splitter 1-2 GHz

1-2GHz 2-way L-Band Power Divider

AWG Tech supplies 1-2 GHz L-Band power divider for use in test and monitoring equipment. Based on Wilkinson power divider microstrip design, our L-Band power divider has less than 0.3dB  insertion loss and excellent phase and amplitude imbalance. Our L-band power divider is available in 2-way, 3-way, 4-way, 8-way and 16-way.

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1-2GHz L-Band Power Divider
Part NumberSplitter waysOperating FrequencyDescription
APS-2W-1G-2G-012 way1 – 2 GHz1-2 GHz 2 way power divider, S-Band, SMA-F
APS-3W-1G-2G-013 way1 – 2 GHz1-2 GHz 3 way power divider, S-Band, SMA-F
APS-4W-1G-2G-014 way1 – 2 GHz1-2 GHz 4 way power divider, S-Band, SMA-F
APS-8W-1G-2G-018 way1 – 2 GHz1-2 GHz 8 way power divider, S-Band, SMA-F
APS-2W-700M-2700M-012 way700 – 2500 MHz700 – 2500MHz 2 way power divider, SMA-F

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Learning the Basics of X-band Power Divider: A Short Guide

Power dividers are known to be RF pieces of equipment that can divide a single input signal into two or more output signals with minimum losses experienced. They’re commonly utilized in any wireless structure to break up the power equally across the system. Produced output frequencies by the power divider are typically made up of the same amplitude and phase-shifting.

In addition to its uses in any wireless system, power dividers can also work with the use of any frequency band that it’s equipped with; one example is the X-band power divider. The X-band is a portion in the electromagnetic spectrum that has a frequency range that ranges from 8 to 12 GHz and has a wavelength that ranges from 2.5 to 3.75cm.

What about the X-band frequency?

When used for satellite communications by the government and the military and when they require space-segment capacity to achieve their need for a trustworthy and reliable bandwidth, most institutions turn to the X-band frequency. Aside from the benefits of the frequency band, the X-band provides fascinating features that support the most demanding requirements for satellite communications, listed below are some of those features:

  • 4 Satellite Spacing: The more space there is between orbital slots for X-band satellites means a lesser chance of adjacent satellite interference (ASI)
    • Higher density of power is permitted: an excellent choice for small antenna usage.
    • Usually, spread spectrum is not needed: less bandwidth and lower cost.
    • High Link Availability: Remarkably powerful in adverse conditions that permits higher link availability even in rain, sandstorms and other challenging weather, even when utilizing terminals that are full of disadvantages.
    • Exceptional Link Efficiency: The X-band frequency permits small terminals to send transmissions at high-power densities without having to utilize spread-spectrum techniques. As a result, users of the X-band often utilize lesser space segment and thus incur lower bandwidth costs than users of the C, Ku and Ka-band frequencies.
    • Only a Few Users: This frequency band is reserved for the use of the military and the government; however, there are still other users of the X-band frequency. Adding up, X-band users function within the given guidelines of their command system, thus generating a more disciplined user community.

The Key Specifications of a Power Divider

Aside from knowing the key specifications for the X-band frequency, it’s imperative that one also knows the key specifications for the power dividers. Below are the major specifications of a single power divider:

  • The Configuration: Refers to the numerous methods on how the input signal is being broken down by the power divider.
  • The Power: Refers to the regular input power that the power divider can hold.
  • The Insertion Loss: Refers to the lost signal when a single frequency is transformed into multiple signals, and this is often measured in decibels (dB).
  • The Impedance: A single power divider is usually available in two types of configurations: the 50 ohms and the 75 ohms.

In knowing the functionality of an X-band power divider, it’s imperative that the fundamentals of both the X-band frequency and the power divider be discussed first. Going back to the basics will help better understand their functionalities.

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